Audrey Brown Audrey Brown

Beware the Scam Artist

Unfortunately, this industry is full of scams and cons. There are also well-meaning tarot readers who just aren’t good at what they do. There are even some natural talents out there who are just plain greedy and unscrupulous. So how do you avoid throwing your money away or having an unpleasant experience? Easy…

Unfortunately, this industry is full of scams and cons. There are well-meaning tarot readers who just aren’t good at what they do. There are some natural talents out there who are greedy and unscrupulous. And of course, tarot is entertainment! Many practitioners are simply acting, and that’s perfectly okay in the right circumstance. How do you avoid throwing your money away? Easy…

  1. Never fall for an upcharge. If your psychic or tarot reader says you have bad energy around you or a curse and tells you they can help you for more money, they’re a fraud. (They often need it to “buy supplies”…how convenient.) If an authentic reader senses negative energy around you, guidance on how to handle it should be part of your reading.

  2. Disregard dire warnings. This is often a manipulation tactic designed to get you hooked and returning to them again and again for guidance. A talented and compassionate reader will follow your reading with helpful advice and recommendations. And they should remind you, YOU are in charge of your life. You don’t need a tarot reader or anyone else to make the important decisions in your life. Tarot should be empowering, not draining or scary.

  3. If you feel uncomfortable, that reader isn’t for you. Pay attention to bad vibes. Tarot readers should be like any other service professionals. They should know how to comfort you when you’re nervous. They should be able to explain their process and demonstrate expertise. But eventually, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy yourself.

  4. Pay attention to whether or not they seem to clearly understand and explain the cards. The details matter in tarot, whether the card is right side up or inverted, what element each suit represents, what the numbers on the cards mean, and especially, the story the cards tell together visually.

  5. Remember the difference between a disappointing reading and a bad one. A disappointing reading will feel spot on, it will reflect the circumstance or situation you wanted to know about. A bad reading won’t feel anything like you or your life. If you sought out a reading at a carnival or fair, that may just be part of the show. In that case, if you had fun, laugh it off and make a memory.

  6. A reader should NEVER solicit you via private messages or DMs. It’s one thing if you’re on a reader’s mailing list, but if you receive a message via social media from anyone inviting you to a reading or telling you they have something urgent to share (for a fee, of course) please block them. Readers should operate as reputable businesses and wait for you to come to them or allow you to respond to their advertising.

  7. Beware the expert who seems to be “good” at everything. Crossover talents are only natural. Every once in a while, you’ll connect with someone who has a vast skillset. But one way to spot a fraud is to ask them to list their specialties. If they practice 100 different kinds of “magic”, can do any spell you want, they’re a medium, and a world’s champion ghostbuster…you should smell a rat. Just like in real life, expertise should eventually funnel down to a few specialties. You don’t want a jack of all trades; you want someone with expertise and experience. You are not a case study. You deserve the best.

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